bodyweight workout

Got Three Minutes? You've Got Time to Workout

What’s your relationship with movement? It’s easy to fall into an “all-or-nothing trap.” What good is a workout if it’s not at least an hour or you’re not dripping in sweat at the end? What if I told you that “workout snacks” could enhance your quality of life and overall fitness?

Don’t discount the power of burst training when you're low on time. Here are a few real-life examples:

  • Do 10 burpees

  • Run around the yard with your dog

  • Play a game of tag with your kid

  • Take the stairs

  • Have an impromptu dance party between Zoom calls

  • Jump rope to failure

And now for the million-dollar question: how much do you need to exert yourself to get results? If you can speak comfortably but can’t quite carry a tune, that's considered "moderate." If you can only speak a few words, or none at all, that's how you know you've hit the “vigorous” territory.

Not up for something that gets your heart racing? That’s OK. An abbreviated and toned-down workout still promotes cardiac health.

Interested in learning more about how fitness can fit into your life? Contact me for a free consultation.

Bodyweight training: The secret sauce?

Have you heard of bodyweight exercises? While resistance machines and free weights can get the job done, don’t eschew bodyweight exercises because you think they’re a waste of time. That’s actually a myth.


While you do need to lift something heavy in order to increase your strength, that weight doesn’t need to come from an external source. Your own bodyweight can get the job done!

Bodyweight exercises are strength training exercises that use your own weight to provide resistance against gravity. Here’s why you should consider adding these type of exercises to your routine:

Get more bang for your buck

High-output, bodyweight-based exercises can produce considerable fitness gains in very short workout durations. As there's no equipment involved, bodyweight workouts make it easy to move on to the next exercise and avoid lag time. Shorter rest times leave your heart rate elevated and you’ll burn more calories, which can help change body composition.

Cardio + strength pack a mean punch

Speaking of results, bodyweight exercises are efficient because you can enjoy cardio and strength in one quick workout. For example, a minute of burpees in between strength exercises will keep the heart pumping while still supporting muscle development.

Say goodbye to boredom

And last but not least, if you get bored easily, listen up! Adding extra reps, performing the exercises faster or super-slow, and perfecting form are a few ways to keep things interesting.

What’s your favorite bodyweight exercise?