mental health

Time for a mental health check-in

Today is World Mental Health Day, per the World Health Organization. The goal is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health.

This begs the question: how’s your mental health?

It’s true: We talk a lot about physical strength in fitness.  But what good is physical prowess if you don’t have the mental strength to back it up? I believe the latter is an important piece of the wellness puzzle, even if it’s easier said than done. 

Changing your outlook requires more than surface-level work. Instead, it means honing certain habits that can improve our mental and emotional dimensions of health. Here are a few ideas:

1. Practice mindfulness.

If you struggle with persistent negative thoughts, meditating can help you redirect. You might find you experience reduced stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as better sleep and lower blood pressure. Do you want to get started? Check out this blog for some ways to adopt a healthy mindset

2. Stay active.

The mind-body connection is real and powerful. That’s why most people feel their best physically and mentally when they’re consistent with a program. Aim for at least five days of exercise per week, with a minimum of 30 minutes per day. 

If you’re short on time or don’t have a gym membership, no worries! Go for a walk with your dog, partner or friend. Get lost in the woods on a hike. Just keep this in mind: it’s important that you find an activity you really enjoy so your brain will form a positive association. 

3. Ask for help when you need it.

If you haven’t been feeling your best, you don’t have to continue down that path. It’s a healthy practice to seek support from the caring people in your life. It could be as simple as sharing the day’s frustrations with a friend or requesting time off at work. 

4. Find your people.

Friends make life sweeter and can help you see problems from different angles. Wherever you find your support network —you should make them a priority.  These connections can really help you become a more confident version of yourself — especially when times get tough.

As you may have guessed, mental strength isn’t developed overnight, but we can make strides to boost it. Just like our biceps, our brain is a muscle—and perhaps the most important one.

Without putting in the mental work, we won’t rise to our highest potential physically. As you invest more time and energy in building mental fortitude, be patient with yourself. Every habit change or choice puts you on the right path. 

Got Three Minutes? You've Got Time to Workout

What’s your relationship with movement? It’s easy to fall into an “all-or-nothing trap.” What good is a workout if it’s not at least an hour or you’re not dripping in sweat at the end? What if I told you that “workout snacks” could enhance your quality of life and overall fitness?

Don’t discount the power of burst training when you're low on time. Here are a few real-life examples:

  • Do 10 burpees

  • Run around the yard with your dog

  • Play a game of tag with your kid

  • Take the stairs

  • Have an impromptu dance party between Zoom calls

  • Jump rope to failure

And now for the million-dollar question: how much do you need to exert yourself to get results? If you can speak comfortably but can’t quite carry a tune, that's considered "moderate." If you can only speak a few words, or none at all, that's how you know you've hit the “vigorous” territory.

Not up for something that gets your heart racing? That’s OK. An abbreviated and toned-down workout still promotes cardiac health.

Interested in learning more about how fitness can fit into your life? Contact me for a free consultation.

Mental strength: Is it in you?


It’s true: We talk a lot about physical strength in fitness.  But what good is physical prowess if you don’t have the mental strength to back it up? I believe the latter is an important piece of the wellness puzzle, even if it’s easier said than done. 

Changing your outlook requires more than surface-level work. Instead, it means honing certain habits that can improve our mental and emotional dimensions of health. Here are a few ideas:

1. Practice mindfulness

If you struggle with persistent negative thoughts, meditating can help you redirect. You might find you experience reduced stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as better sleep and lower blood pressure. Do you want to get started? Check out this blog for some ways to adopt a healthy mindset

2. Stay active.

The mind-body connection is real and powerful. That’s why most people feel their best physically and mentally when they’re consistent with a program. Aim for at least five days of exercise per week, with a minimum of 30 minutes per day. 

If you’re short on time or don’t have a gym membership, no worries! Go for a walk with your dog, partner or friend. Get lost in the woods on a hike. Just keep this in mind: it’s important that you find an activity you really enjoy so your brain will form a positive association. 

3. Ask for help when you need it.

If you haven’t been feeling your best, you don’t have to continue down that path. It’s a healthy practice to seek support from the caring people in your life. It could be as simple as sharing the day’s frustrations with a friend or requesting time off at work. 

4. Find your people

Friends make life sweeter and can help you see problems from different angles. Wherever you find your support network —you should make them a priority.  These connections can really help you become a more confident version of yourself — especially when times get tough.

As you may have guessed, mental strength isn’t developed overnight, but we can make strides to boost it. Just like our biceps, our brain is a muscle—and perhaps the most important one.

Without putting in the mental work, we won’t rise to our highest potential physically. As you invest more time and energy in building mental fortitude, be patient with yourself. Every habit change or choice puts you on the right path. 

Take a chill pill: 5 ways to de-stress


We’ve all been there. It’s 4 p.m. on a Friday and your boss emails with a last-minute request. The dog needs to go out. And there’s dirty dishes piled up in the sink. Ugh...what’s a busy person to do? First, take a deep breath and acknowledge that this sh*it, too, shall pass. Then, turn to tried-and-true ways to relieve stress. (Self-care, we’re looking at you). Here are a few ideas:

Set your priorities 

Craft a plan to reduce stress throughout the week. For instance, on Sunday nights, you might outline your goals for the week and build in pockets of joy. Determine your non-negotiables and do your best to stick to them.

Get outside your comfort zone

Trying something new can help burn off nervous energy. If you’re guilty of staying inside your head too much, channeling the day’s stressors into something productive can feel gratifying.  

Tune out the world

Some people swear by meditation to recenter and refocus. Whether first thing in the morning or before you go to bed, what matters is that you do it. There’s no shortage of apps available to help guide you. I like to use Headspace to help me fall asleep.

Look to Mother Nature

Fresh air always helps me feel more grounded. And science tell us that nature therapy can calm the nervous system. As winter fades into spring, there are so many free ways to recreate and catch up with friends at the same time.

Break a sweat

Just like getting outside, workouts can help give you new perspective and even re-energize you. Whether it’s a quick HIIT session or a strength-training circuit, getting those feel-good hormones (endorphins) going will pay off in the form of a boost in mood.  

What’s your favorite way to de-stress? I’d love to hear what works for you.

Beat the work-from-home blues


With e-learning and remote work setups ubiquitous, it seems we’re now more tethered to our screens than ever. But, eventually, something’s gotta give. Trust me! Don’t let it be your health.

Here’s how to continue to manage the day’s stressors as we navigate the unknown.

Unplug: Know when you say when. Step away from the laptop and the TV, and put down your phone at a predetermined time. Do your mind (and family) a favor and make it a point to develop and maintain a healthy relationship with technology.

Lighten up: There’s always going to be more work to do, but doing more can really start to wear on you after a while. Hello, burnout! Seek out what fills your cup — plan a movie date night, try a new recipe, go for a walk, play a game, learn a new language, etc. As the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

Reconnect: Curb the effects of self-isolation by visiting a friend or relative outdoors for a socially distanced hang out. Better yet, find out how you can (safely) volunteer and help those struggling during these tough times.

Keep moving: An exercise routine can boost mood, confidence, brainpower and even immunity. So whether it’s a stretch session, strength-training circuit or a cardio burst, try to leave the day’s cares behind. The key is to focus on your body, and sweat your stress away.

Rest: The inverse of exercise isn’t rest per se. In fact, rest can be productive and help you up your game at the gym. I like to refer to the relationship as the yin and yang. You need periods of recovery for gains. Plus, lack of rest makes you more prone to injuries. And who has time for that?

How are you managing these days? What’s worked and what has challenged you?

Staying balanced during COVID-19

We live in uncertain times right now, with anxiety concerning COVID-19 running high. It can be easy to feel like throwing in the towel and abandon our routines. After all, it’s hard to plan when we don’t know what tomorrow might bring. When I start to feel on edge, here are a few activities I turn to:

  1. Embrace gratitude. Not only does it feel good emotionally to reflect on the good things, it can boost our immune system.  Whether it’s just setting aside a few minutes to think about all the positive things in your life or in the world or sitting down to engage a formal journaling practice, there’s a lot to gain from this exercise.

  2. Move. Right now your fitness routine is probably on hiatus, or at  the very least it’s been modified. That’s OK! I went for a hike yesterday and although it was gloomy, it felt amazing to get some fresh air. You can also find free home workouts on YouTube. From barre to yoga, it’s all there! Here are some other tips from ACE Fitness on getting the most from a home workout. 

  3. Rest: Life is about yin and yang. Sometimes it’s the occasion to be active and sometimes it’s appropriate to rest. I know I've slept more in the last week or so because all my social engagements have been cancelled or postponed. If you’re having trouble in this area, I highly recommend this blog.

  4. Explore. Is there a home-based hobby you’ve been meaning to try or take to the next level? I started Rosetta Stone a few months ago to learn Italian and plan to pick up the pace there. Maybe baking? Reading?

  5. Nurture. It’s especially critical that you maintain a healthy, balanced diet right now. While I can't give specific advice, I can tell you that fruits and vegetables are nutrient rich and can boost immunity. Reset the urge to eat a lot of processed foods.

  6. Check in. In-personal interaction might be on hold, but phone calls, texts, video chat, and letters are not banned. Stay in touch with friends and family, especially those without a strong support network. 

  7. Lend a hand. So many nonprofit organizations are in need of donations right now. If you can spare some money, I highly recommend giving what you can. I know the American Red Cross is experiencing a blood supply shortage, so you might consider donating in that capacity.

Stay healthy and balanced, friends! We’re in this together.

What does it take to live past 95?

My grandmother Christianne turned 95 on Saturday.  Despite some health complications this year, she’s still very healthy. In fact, I believe there’s a lot to be learned from her lifestyle. In my observations and conversations with her, here’s how and why she’s lived to be a nonagenarian.

Diet— She eats balanced meals and has for some time. She typically eats a salad with lunch and/or dinner and enjoys lean proteins, dairy, etc. She doesn’t eat between meals. However, she’s not afraid to enjoy dessert and a glass of wine (or champagne) every now and then. (She’s French, after all.) In short, she practices moderation.

Movement — She’s always on the go. When she was younger, she played tennis nearly every day. She still swims and does tai chi to help her balance. She seldom sits down for a significant amount of time. Every when she does, she’s doing something! She knits while watching TV.

Mental Stimulation — She makes a point to stay sharp. She does a crossword puzzle every day and there’s always a book on her nightstand. She also has kept up her French, despite living in this country for nearly 75 years. She even learned how to use chopsticks last year (see photo below).

Community — She’s a social creature despite living alone for 27 years. She sings in the choir, attends bible study and takes part in activities and excursions in her community as part of a senior group. I can’t keep track of all her friends!

Spirituality/Sense of Purpose — She considers herself a devout Catholic, attending Mass and functions at her church on the regular. She would tell you her faith has gotten her through some rough times. 

It’s possible to slow down the aging process, if you’re intentional. What’s one healthy habit you want to work on as we enter the holiday season?

Want to be happier and more productive? Hit the gym!


Do you feel like life is crazybusy right now? You're not alone. It seems everyone feels stretched thin these days. What’s the secret to feeling less frazzled?

Hit the gym! No matter how frantic you're feeling, regular trips to the gym can do your body, mind and soul some good. How can adding another thing to your to do list help? Believe me when I say it can!

The science: Physical activity releases chemicals in the brain (read: endorphins) that help you feel good. People who experience endorphins on a regular basis are more likely to stay motivated at home and work long after the workout is complete.

The possibilities in your personal and professional life are endless when you’re feeling more energetic and confident. It’s proven that people who exercise regularly are more productive.

Sometimes a stressed out person just needs something to concentrate on that doesn’t involve thinking about obligations. Just the act of scheduling a gym sesh can give one a feeling of accomplishment.

When it's workout time, focus on the great feeling of moving your body and pushing yourself to your limit. You may find that at the end of it, your mind is a clean state — or at least a little less cluttered. A little distraction from the day-to-day mundane can be a nice thing.

Physical activity is also a great way to It’s only natural that people sleep more soundly afterwards. Certainly we can all appreciate the feeling of a solid night’s sleep at the end of a long day.

What are you waiting for? Pull out that calendar and carve out some time for you. You won't regret it.